Soil containment comes in many forms. The most common application is the prevention of soil erosion in areas where vegetation has been removed leaving an exposed soil surface susceptible to erosion during rain or water run-off events. The objective with these containment systems is to prevent sediment from entering piping systems and fouling them but most importantly, preventing entry of the soil into waterways where environments for aquatic species can be damaged with elevated levels of suspended solids. The most common products used for this application are silt fence, silt socks, and floating silt curtains.
Common Erosion Control Materials
Silt Fence
Silt Socks
Erosion Control Blankets
Floating Silt Curtains/Booms
Exposed Slope Erosion Protection
Silt Fence and wattles are the most widely used sediment containment products in North America. They prevent soil and sediment loss from construction sites where natural erosion control barriers like grass and trees have been removed to expose the soil. While very effective, these products are installed incorrectly more often than not so ECI is committed to high quality installations and regular inspections.
Ditch & Swale Erosion Protection
Erosion Control Blankets (ECB’s) are typically used after finish grading is completed on slopes, ditches, and swales. ECB’s are placed on top of the seeded soil or soil with natural vegetative seed and protects the exposed soil from rain/precipitation erosion while the vegetation takes root and grows.
Storm Water & Downstream System Protection
Silt Socks are used as a primary or secondary measure to protect catch basins from sediment ingress. They are effective and as with silt fence must be regularly inspected to assure proper function.
Body of Water Protection
Stillwater Floating Silt Curtains also known as Turbidity Curtains are used to protect bodies of water such as lakes and ponds from silt and sediment ingress.